Asbestos Surveys
Management Survey
The Management Survey is required to manage ACMs during the normal occupation and use of premises. The duty-holder can make a Management Survey where the premises are simple and straightforward. Otherwise, a surveyor is needed.
A Management Survey aims to ensure that:
Nobody is harmed by the continuing presence of ACMs on the premises or its equipment.
That any ACMs remain in good condition
Nobody disturbs it accidentally.
It involves minor intrusion and minor asbestos disturbance to make a Materials Assessment.
Refurbishment / Demolition Survey
The Refurbishment / Demolition Survey is required where the premises, or part of it, need upgrading, refurbished or demolished. The Survey does not need a record of the ACM's condition. The Survey aims to ensure that nobody will be harmed by working on ACMs on the premises. The right contractor will do such work correctly.
The Survey must locate and identify all ACMs before any structural work begins at a stated location or on stated equipment at the premises. It involves destructive inspection and asbestos disturbance. The area surveyed must be vacated and a Licensed Contractor may need to assist with the Survey. Coventry Property Surveys can arrange this and will ensure that the area is certified fit for reoccupation after the Survey.
The Inspection is designed to ascertain the presence of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) in your premises. We sample a variety of materials to determine the type of asbestos, how to manage it and report our findings. The samples are sent to a laboratory for analysis, and a surveyor will provide a full-colour report on the results.
Our expert team ensures that the sampling, analysis and reporting are all completed to the highest standard.
Our surveys are carried out in line with Asbestos, The Surveyors Guide (HSE, HSG 264).
Facts about Asbestos
Asbestos still kills around 5000 workers yearly, more than the number of people who die on the roads.
Around 20 tradesmen die each week as a result of past exposure. However, asbestos isn't just a problem of the past. It can be present today in any building built or refurbished before 2000.
Fibres are released into the air when materials that contain asbestos are disturbed or damaged. When these fibres are inhaled, they can cause serious diseases. These diseases will not affect you immediately. They often take a long time to develop, but it is often too late to do anything once diagnosed. This is why it is essential that you protect yourself now.
The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 (CAR 2006), and more specifically, Regulation 4: ‘Duty to manage asbestos in non-domestic properties’ sets a legal requirement for owners and occupiers of non-domestic buildings to have an Asbestos Survey and up-to-date Asbestos Register in place.
The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 came into force on 6 April 2012, updating previous asbestos regulations to take account of the European Commission’s view that the UK had not fully implemented the EU Directive on exposure to asbestos (Directive 2009/148/EC).
The above regulations have now been updated. Please click here for more information.
The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 places an absolute legal “Duty to Manage” asbestos in non-domestic premises. Coventry Property Surveys can assist with this by providing the relevant surveys for your needs, and we also offer assistance with developing Asbestos Management Plans.
In addition to criminal, civil and HSE sanctions for non-compliance, property transactions are often delayed because the owner and/or occupier has failed to have an assessment carried out to comply with the law and has to address this before being able to proceed with a sale or letting of premises.
Failure to comply with the regulations can result in criminal and civil liability including the payment of a fine of up to £20,000 per offence.
Fines can be unlimited.
Please click here for more information regarding the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.